Dr. Gardner’s Practice


How Dr. Gardner Practices Medicine

Dr. Gardner is an endocrinologist, psychiatrist, and board certified in internal medicine. He was an assistant professor of medicine in endocrinology at the University of Iowa before entering psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego and merging the two fields.

Most people desire a personal physician, a doctor who knows them well and who really cares about them. Dr. Gardner strives to be that kind of physician. He spends considerable time with each patient. 

As a psychiatrist, Dr. Gardner is highly skilled diagnosing and helping patients find the right balance of medications. As an Endocrinologist, he diagnosis and treats endocrine disorders, except diabetes.

Patients often want to see Dr. Gardner to evaluate their endocrine and psychiatric issues. They find that going to separate physicians doesn’t allow for a holistic view of their condition. Dr. Gardner is interested in seeing both perspectives and making suggestions based on that understanding. Sometimes this does not lead to an eye opening discovery but it frequently leads to a better treatment protocol encompassing endocrinology and psychiatry.

Dr. Gardner’s patients are the reason he enjoys working each day. His patients and he enjoy friendly and collegial relationships, based upon candor, trust, and mutual respect. He explains test results and wants his patients to be knowledgeable and responsible about their health and well-being.